
Jamestown's History

  • Jamestown was named

    Jamestown was named
    Virginia sent colonists into the bay . They came to a river and named it James. They cleared the land and nmaed Jamestown.
  • The first women came to Jamestown

    The first women came to Jamestown
    The first women came to Jamestown. This was a start to a colony.
  • John Smith became the leader

    John Smith became the leader
    John Smith became the leader of Jamestown. They then had rules.
  • John Smith got hurt

    John Smith got hurt and went back to England.
  • Settlers came to Janestown

    Colonists were going to leave because of starvation, sickness and warfare.Then settlers came with supplies and stronger leaders.
  • Tobacco was introduce as cash.

    Tobacco was interoduce as cash.This caaused growth for Virginia
  • Africans were brought to Jamestown.

    Africans were brought to Jamestown.
    Africans were brought to Jamestown to be enslaved workers.
  • Virginia became a royal colony

    Virginia became a royal colony
    Virginia company was taken by the king and Virginia became a royal colony.