Lg jamestown settlement


  • The Virginia Company set sail on the Chesapeake Bay

    The Virginia Company set sail on the Chesapeake Bay
    In 1607 the Virginia Company sent three ships into the Chesapeake Bay.
  • The James River is Named

    The James River is Named
    Colonists clear land along the shore and build the Jamestown settlement.
  • Settlers Meet Powhatan Confederacy

    Settlers Meet Powhatan Confederacy
    Settlers met Powhatan Indians who were eager to trade and enjoyed their hospitality. They learned of the existence of Chief Powhatan.
  • John Smith Meets Pocahantas

    John Smith Meets Pocahantas
    Captain John Smith was captured by a Powhatan hunting party. Powhatan’s daughter, Pocahontas, saves his life. For a short time the Powhatans and settlers cooperated with each other by trading goods.
  • The General Assembly passed new laws.

    The General Assembly passed new laws.
    The General Assembly of the colony of Virginiay adopted the Virginia Company’s instructions and passed some new laws.
  • First Africans Arrived to Jamestown

    First Africans Arrived to Jamestown
    The first Africans were brought to Jamestown.
  • Virginia becomes a royal colony

    Virginia becomes a royal colony
    Virginia became a royal colony. Governor Wyatt became the first royal governor.