James marshall2

James Wilson Marshall

  • James W. Marshall is Born

    James W. Marshall is Born
    On October 8, 1810, James Wilson Marshall was born. His life started in Hopewell, New Jersey and his parents were Philip Marshall and Sarah Wison.
  • Period: to

    James Wison Marshall's Life

    This is the time in which James W. Marshall Lived.
  • Gold is Discovered

    Gold is Discovered
    During a morning inspection, James W. Marshall found a gleam a light at the bottom of a ditch. He examined it closer, and found what appeared what to be gold.
  • The Gold Rush Begins

    The Gold Rush Begins
    The gold rush began on January 24, 1848 and continued until 1855. Many greedy miners were furious to find gold. No respect was given to either Sutter or Marshall.
  • Marshall's Blacksmith Shop

    Marshall's Blacksmith Shop
    James Marshall was given a pension of $200 per month. He used this money to open up his own blacksmith shop in Kelsey. Marshall worked there until his death on August 10, 1885.
  • James W. Marshall Dies

    James W. Marshall Dies
    On August 10, 1885 James Wilson Marshall passed away in Kelsey, California. At the time, his occupation was working in a blacksmith shop. He was age 74 when he died.
  • Marshall's Memorial

    Marshall's Memorial
    On May 3, 1890 a monument was dedicated to James Wilson Marshall. The monument was a statue of a carpenter. The carpenter on the statue is point in the spot where Marshall found the first flakes of gold.