James monroe white house portrait 1819

James Monroe's Life

By ari2901
  • His Birth

    His Birth
    James Monroe was born on April 28, 1758 in Monroe Hall, Virginia.
  • He Begins Going to College

    He Begins Going to College
    In 1774, at the age of fourteen, Monroe entered the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.
  • He Joins the War Effort

    He Joins the War Effort
    In 1776 he stopped going to college in order to join the War of Independence, which would last until 1783.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    He was injured at the Battle Of Trenton.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    He was with George Washington during the difficult winter from 1777-1778 at Valley Forge.
  • He Began Studying Law

    He Began Studying Law
    In 1780 he began studying law under Thomas Jefferson, who would become his mentor and Monroe would affiliate with the political party Jefferson created.
  • Period: to

    A Beginning in Politics

    In 1782 he was chosen as a delegate to the Virginia Assembly and and the following year was chosen as representative to the Congress of Confederation from 1781 to 1789, the American governing body when the nation was founded.
  • The War of Independence Ends

    The War of Independence Ends
    The War of Independence ended in 1783, with the surrender of Great Britain.
  • Marriage

    He married Elizabeth Kortright.
  • Elected to the U.S. Senate

    Elected to the U.S. Senate
    In 1790 he was elected to the U.S. Senate representing Virginia.
  • Founding of the Democratic-Republican Party

    He helped Thomas Jefferson and James Madison help the Democratic-Rebulican Party.
  • Appointed as Minister to France

    Appointed as Minister to France
    In 1794, he was appointed as minister to France by George Washington in order to better relations with the country.
  • Released as Minster of France

    Due to disagreeing with Jay’s Treaty George Washington removed Monroe as minsiter to France.
  • Governor of Virginia

    Governor of Virginia
    He resumed his political career in 1799 becoming governor of Virginia.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Him and Robert Livingston were the people who found out that Napoleon wanted to sell the entire Louisiana Territory and due to not have time to get the purchase approved they approved it themselves.
  • Running for President the First Time

    Running for President the First Time
    In 1808, he ran for president the first time against James Madison and lost.
  • Period: to

    Monroe as Secretary of State

    Even though there was some animosity between James Madison and Monroe over a treaty, put this animosity aside and Madison made Monroe his Secretary of State.
  • Period: to

    Monroe as Secretary of War

    Not only did Monroe serve as Secretary of State, but from 1814 to 1815 as Secretary of State.
  • Monroe Runs for President the Second Time

    Monroe  Runs for President the Second Time
    Monroe ran for president a second time as a Democratic-Republican defeated his Federalist opponent, Rufus King.
  • Maine and Missouri

    In 1818 he approved Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state.
  • Purchase of Florida

    Purchase of Florida
    In 1819, he was able to negotiate the purchase of Florida for five million, expanding the United States Territory.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise outlawed slavery in the Louisiana Territory above the 36'30 parallel north, excluding Missouri.
  • Monroe's Second Term as President

    Monroe's Second Term as President
    In 1820 Monroe ran unopposed for a second term as President and won.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    In 1823 Monroe passed the Monroe Doctrine, which greatly helped foreign relations. It declared the the United States would not interfere with European colonies nor meddle in the affairs of Europe.
  • Retirement

    In 1825 he left and retired to Virginia, where he helped draft a new state Constitution.
  • Death

    He died on July 4, 1831 at the age of seventy-three in New York City.