James Monroe President Project

  • Jame Monroe's Birth.

    Jame Monroe's Birth.
    On April 28, 1758 at Westmoreland County, Virginia James Monroe was born.
  • James Monroe's parents Die.

    James Monroe's parents Die.
    James Monroe's parents died in 1774 from an unknown cause.
  • James Monroe's college experience

    James Monroe's college experience
    James Monroe went to college at The College of William and Mary.
  • James Monroe Joins the Continental army

    James Monroe Joins the Continental army
    When the Revolutionary war broke out James Monroe was just a college student but he knew he needed to join the war so he started training with student military companies and was eventually assigned to the 3rd regiment of Virginia.
  • Monroe becomes the hero at the Battle of Trenton

    Monroe becomes the hero at the Battle of Trenton
    it was a cold night after Christmas but that didn't stop the Americans. So the Americans attacked and James Monroe led the attack on Hessian canons and almost bled to death but ended up surviving.
  • James Monroe becomes a lawyer

    James Monroe becomes a lawyer
    in 1780 James Monroe started studying law under Thomas Jefferson.
  • James Monroe gets Married

    James Monroe gets Married
    During the American Revolutionary war Monroe met a lady named Elizabeth Kortright and married her in 1786.
  • Eliza Monroe Hay is born

    Eliza Monroe Hay is born
    In December of 1786 James Monroe had his first kid.
  • James Monroe joins the anti federalists.

    James Monroe joins the anti federalists.
    in 1790 James Monroe was salty about the Constitution being signed so he advocated for a bill of rights to be added and joined the anti federalists.
  • James Monroe gets Thomas Paine released from jail

    James Monroe gets Thomas Paine released from jail
    Thomas Paine got thrown in jail after opposing king Louis the XVI execution, but later James Monroe used his connections to get him released.
  • James Monroe's first son is born

    James Monroe's first son is born
    James Spence Monroe was born to James and Elizabeth Monroe on June 1, 1799.
  • James Spence Monroe passes away

    James Spence Monroe passes away
    unfortunately James Spence Monroe passes away at just 16 months old.
  • Maria Hester Monroe is born

    Maria Hester Monroe is born
    James Monroe and Elizabeth Monroe have their third and final kid Maria Hester Monroe.
  • Monroe buys the Louisiana territory

    Monroe buys the Louisiana territory
    on April 30th 1803 James Monroe and Robert Livingston bought the Louisiana Territory from Napoleonic France.
  • The Era of good feelings

    The Era of good feelings
    On July 12th, 1816 The Era of Good Feelings started which was a time when the U.S was doing extremely well as it was brought in by James Monroe.
  • James Monroe becomes president

    James Monroe becomes president
    on December 4th, 1816 James Monroe was inaugurated into office.
  • The U.S buys Florida

    The U.S buys Florida
    On March 3rd, 1818 under James Monroe the U.S bought Florida.
  • The era of Bad feelings/ The Panic of 1819

    The era of Bad feelings/ The Panic of 1819
    In January of 1819 the English market crashed leading to a financial crisis
  • The Missouri Compromise is signed.

    The Missouri Compromise is signed.
    On March 2nc, 1820 the Missouri Compromise which was a document that would divide the north and south of the U.S even more than it already was at that point in history.
  • James Monroe gets reelected.

    James Monroe gets reelected.
    In March 5th, 1821 James Monroe was inaugurated into presidency for his second term
  • The Monroe Doctrine is adopted

    The Monroe Doctrine is adopted
    On December 2nc, 1823 James Monroe announced the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine was one of the most important documents in american history.
  • Monroe signs the Tariff of 1824.

    Monroe signs the Tariff of 1824.
    the Tariff of 1824 into law, implementing protectionist measures in support of local manufactures and goods. people raged in the South with cotton-growers fearful of British retaliation for the increase in price.
  • James Monroe signs concedes to Georgia's demands.

    James Monroe signs concedes to Georgia's demands.
    Unfortunately despite James Monroe's best efforts he had to concede to Georgia's demands and kick the Indians of their land.
  • James Monroe leaves office.

    James Monroe leaves office.
    On March 4th 1825 James Monroe ended his second term in office and chose not to run for president again.
  • James Monroe's successor.

    James Monroe's successor.
    Since James Monroe left office John Quincy Adams was inaugurated and started his presidency by speaking well about James Monroe.
  • James Monroe Joins the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia.

    James Monroe Joins the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia.
    James Monroe Joined the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia because it was founded by his good friend Thomas Jefferson
  • Elizabeth Monroe dies

    Elizabeth Monroe dies
    Heartbreak fell upon James Monroe as his wife died on September 23, 1830.
  • James Monroe retires.

    James Monroe retires.
    James Monroe retired to his daughters house in New York City because after his presidency he was low on money, and his wife Elizabeth Monroe died.
  • James Monroe dies.

    James Monroe dies.
    Unfortunately on July 4th, 1831 James Monroe passed away from heart failure and tuberculosis.
  • James Monroe is moved from his original burial site.

    James Monroe is moved from his original burial site.
    James Monroe was moved to Hollywood cemetery.