born at James K Polk
Born on November 2 1795 in Meclenberg county,North Carolina -
James K. Polk
In 1818 James graduated from the university of North Carolina and was a lawyer -
James K. polk
James is married to Sarah Childress in 1830 but had no childern -
James K. Polk
In 1835 to 1939 James was a cheif lieutenaunt for Jaskson in the bank war and leaving in 1839 to be governer in 1840 -
James K. Polk
In 1844 James became our 11 preisdent -
James K Polk
In 1848 Mexico cedeed California and New Mexico for 15,000,000 millon dollars -
James K Polk.
In 1949 James left office and died in 1849