James GP

  • Father

    Birth date. Was a farmer and landowner.
  • Mother

    Birth date. Had no job, was stay at home mom because James had no education growing up at the time.
  • Vice president Elbridge Gerry

    Vice president Elbridge Gerry
    Birth date. Was James Madison's second vice president during his second term and died in office.
  • birth date

    birth date
  • Birth place

    Birth place
    Born in Port Conway, VA
  • Religion

    James Madison was born into the religion Episcopalian.
  • Ancestry

    James came from fully English ancestors.
  • Education growing up

    Education growing up
    Growing up at the time there was no education, so he did not attend elementary or high school.
  • Dolly Madisons birth date(wife)

    Dolly Madisons birth date(wife)
    Was born in Guilford County, NC
  • Attended College At Princeton University

    Attended College At Princeton University
    During his time there was no public elementary or high school so he was homeschooled by his mother until he attended college.
  • Graduated college

    Graduated college
    James graduated and completed a four year course in three years with a bachelor of arts.
  • Occupation/job before president

    Occupation/job before president
    After college James went on to be a lawyer. Unknown specific date
  • Military experience

    Military experience
    He was named commander of the Orange County militia, but his poor health precluded any active military service.
  • Marriage

    Got married to dolly Madison.
  • Next occupation before president

    Next occupation before president
    James had a good relationship with the third president Jefferson. When Jefferson became third president he appointed James as Secretory of state.
  • Fathers death

    Fathers death
    Died at Montpelier.
  • Relationship with Thomas Jefferson

    Relationship with Thomas Jefferson
    Madison and Jefferson enacted an embargo on all trade with Britain and France.
  • The 1808 presidential election

    The 1808 presidential election
    Congress announces the results of the 1808 presidential election. Madison swamps Federalist opponent Charles C. Pinckney in electoral votes, 122 to 47.
  • Inauguration

    James Madison is inaugurated as the fourth President of the United States.
  • Became president

    Became president
    Became 4th president of the united states. Served two term for a total of 8 years.
  • Erskine Agreement

    Erskine Agreement
    After negotiations with British minister Erskine, Madison issues a proclamation known as the Erskine Agreement revoking the embargo on Britain, effective June 10.
  • Macon's Bill Number 2

    Macon's Bill Number 2
    To replace the Nonintercourse Act, Congress passes Macon's Bill Number 2, which allows American ships to carry French or English goods while barring belligerent powers from American ports.
  • Occupation of West Florida

    Occupation of West Florida
    Madison issues a proclamation authorizing occupation of West Florida, also claimed by Spain, as part of the Louisiana Purchase.
  • Vice president(and death) George Clinton

    Vice president(and death) George Clinton
    George Clinton was James first vice president but died during his first term.
  • End of presidency

    End of presidency
    After a total of two terms(8 years) he was released from presidency.
  • Mother death

    Mother death
    Died at the age of 98. At Montpelier VA.
  • Death

    Death at Montpelier VA. Death caused by heart faluire.
  • Dolly Madisons death date(wife)

    Dolly Madisons death date(wife)