220px james earl ray

James Earl Ray

  • James Earl Rays birth

    James Earl Rays birth
    James parents were Lucille and George Ellis
  • James went to jail

    Ray arrested for first time on a burglary charge in California, serves three months.
  • MLK death

    MLK death
    Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis.
  • James got arrested

    Ray is arrested at London's Heathrow Airport.
  • James pledges guilty

    Ray pleads guilty to murdering King and is sentenced to 99 years in prison.
  • Dexton

    In a meeting, Ray tells King's son Dexter that he did not kill the civil rights leader. King says he believes Ray.
  • James dealth

    James Earl Ray dies of cirrhosis of the liver at age 70 in a Nashville prison facility.
  • James liver transplant

    Prison officials reject Ray's request to be evaluated at a Pittsburgh hospital as a liver transplant recipient.
  • Liver Transplant

    Davidson County Chancellor Irvin Kilcrease rules that state law does not permit Ray to be sent out of state to be evaluated for a liver transplant.