Jan 1, 1494
Explored by Columbus
Christopher Columbus explored the island while it was inhabited by Arawak Indians. He named it St. Iago. -
British Possession
In 1655 Britain took control of Jamaica. -
Slaves Freed
In 1807, the slave trade was abolished for the Jamaicans. Then, 26 years later, all slaves were free. -
The living conditions on the island were very poor, so the the residents of the island led a revolt. -
Crown Colony
Jamaica becomes a crown colony after their uprising. -
Internal Automany
On May 5, 1953, Jamaica gained internal autonomy. -
West Indies Federation
Jamaica became the leaders of the West Indies Federation. -
First Prime Minister
Alexander Bustamante became the first Prime Minister of Jamaica in 1962 -
Independence Gained
Jamaica became independent on Aug. 6, 1962. -
Andrew Holness
The current Prime Minister of Jamaica, Andrew Holness, was elected. -
Usain Bolt
Bolt, who is from Jamaica, won 3 gold medals at the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics, bringing his total to 9 gold medals.