Jaggers takes Pip to London
Jaggers takes Pip to London, where the country boy is amazed and displeased by the stench and the thronging crowds in such areas as Smithfield. -
Pip Meets Wemmick
Pip meets Jaggers’s clerk, Wemmick. -
Wemmick introduces Pip to Herbert Pocket
Wemmick introduces Pip to Herbert Pocket the son of Pip’s tutor, with whom Pip will spend the night. Herbert and Pip take an immediate liking to one another; Herbert is cheerful and open, and Pip feels that his easy nature is a contrast to his own awkward personality -
Pip and Herbert recognize each other
Pip and Herbert remember that they have met before: Herbert is the pale man whom Pip fought in the garden at Satis House. -
Pip moves in with Herbert
Pip asks Herbert to help him learn to be a gentleman, and, after a feast, the two agree to live together. -
Herbert gives Pip the nickname "Handel"
Herbert subtly corrects Pip’s poor table manners, gives him the nickname “Handel,” -
Pip learns about Ms. Havisham
When she was young, her family fortune was misused by her evil half brother, and she fell in love with and agreed to marry a man from a lower social class than her own. This man convinced her to buy her half brother’s share of the family brewery, which he wanted to run, for a huge price. But on their wedding day, the man never appeared, It was assumed that Miss Havisham’s lover was in league with her half brother and that they split the profits from the brewery sale. -
Pip visits the Royal Exchange
The next day, Pip visits the unpleasant world of the Royal Exchange before going to Matthew Pocket’s house to be tutored and to have dinner. -
Pip goes to Matthew Pocket’s house
The Pockets’ home is a chaotic place where the servants run the house. Matthew is absent minded but kind, and his wife is socially ambitious but not well born; and the children are being raised by the nurse. -
Pip meets Drummle and Startop
Bentley Drummle, a future baronet, is oafish and unpleasant, and a young man named Startop is soft and delicate. -
Pip returns to Jagger's office
Pip returns to Jaggers’s office in order to arrange a sharing of rooms with Herbert. There Pip befriends the lively Wemmick, who invites him to dinner. -
Pip sees Jaggers in the courtroom
Pip sees Jaggers in the courtroom, when he realizes Jaggers is a menacing force, frightening even the judge with his thundering speeches. -
Pip develops better relationships
Pip continues to get to know his fellow students and the Pockets, attending dinners at both Wemmick’s and Jaggers’s. -
Pip observes Wemmick's Life
Wemmick’s house is like something out of a dream, like a castle in Walworth that he shares with his “Aged Parent.” Pip observes that Wemmick seems to have a new personality when he enters his home. While he is quiet at work, at home he seems excited and energized. -
Pip and Drummle quarrel over a loan
Pip and Drummle fight over a loan Drummle ungratefully borrowed from Startop. Jaggers warns Pip to stay away from Drummle, though the lawyer claims to like the young man