Jaelene Machado

  • first digital signals

    In 1951, the first digital signals were saved to magnetic tape via the first video tape recorder.
  • first digital image

    The first digital image was produced through a computer in 1957.
  • first digital camera

    first digital camera
    In 1975, a man by the name of Steven Sasson, engineered the first digital camera the size of a breadbox and took about 23 seconds to take a picture.
  • first analog electronic camera

    first analog electronic camera
    In 1984 the first analog electronic camera came out. It was called CANON RC-701. It had low quality and was expensive.
  • first digital camera in the united states

    first digital camera in the united states
    In 1990, the first digital camera was made avaliable in the US. It was Dycam Model 1
  • digital photography now

    digital photography now
    digital photography now has many more cameras that are high quality and very expensive. For example, Kodak DCS-100 is sold for $13,000 and the Canon EOS R5 RF24-105mm is $4,999.