
  • Infancy (0-12 months)

    *start of infancy
  • 0 months (cont.)

    Equal to content, the underlying rules of language and words. Understanding that someone or something is trying to gain the infant's attention.
    Example: Jade has a reactionary response to an intense stimulus made by her mother when playing peek-a-boo such as a loud “Boo!” and then turns her head, and jolts her body towards mom. Brianna then bables “oooooOOooo” as an imitation.
  • Jade’s Born (0 months)

    Jade’s Born (0 months)
    The ability to discriminate sounds of speech and categorize them. Some sounds are so subtle, the average adult could not tell between the /r/ sounds of English vs. Japanese.
    Dr.Kuhl explains in detail how babies are “Universal Listeners” and are able to discriminate phonemes of different languages such as the English /r/ and japanese /r/.
  • 0 months (cont.)

    Attentive to speaking partner such as mom, dad, family member, etc., but would rather prefer infant-directed speech than adult-directed speech.
    Example: Jade’s mom loves interacting with Jade and Jade loves listening to her mom speak to her, but only if she uses “baby talk/language” and uses a lot emotion since it engages her. Jade’s mom does so by saying, “Hello my wittle baby! You are such a cutie!” taps nose. Resulting in Jade cooing back at her smiling.
  • 2 months

    Produces cooing noises and is able to identify its own language from a nonnative language.
    Example: A face to face conversation with Jade and her mother. This would include her mother talking to her amicably and Jade interacting with small cooing noises.
  • 2 months (cont.)

    Ability to hold objects and attempt to mouth what the objects are.
    Example: Jade is laying on her back on her play mat and is handed toys by her mom. Jade then tries to imitate her mom by repeating the name of the toy/object by rounding her lips and making noises, but is still unable to fully state the name of the object/toy.
  • 4 months

    Fixes gaze on face.
    Example: The child is able to focus their eyes and gaze on one's face.
  • 6 months

    Semantics: Begins to copy caregiver and understand the word “no”. The child is also able to connect the meaning of “no” as something they should not do.
  • 6 months (cont.)

    Pragmatics: The social use of language begins to emerge as joint attention and eye contact with their caregivers and others. Getting on a one-on-on level and the infant beginning to motion for wants and needs.
    This is a great explanation and example of when a infant at 6 months begins to interact with joint attention.
  • 8 months

    Babbles (reduplicated, variegated). The child is able to produce a minimal amount of speech sounds.
    Example: Jade plays with a ball and producing different speech sounds while she is playing. Some of these include, “AHHH” or other interactive/joyful sounds.
  • 8 months (cont.)

    Begins to use intentional communication. The child is able to communicate intentionally.
    Example: An example would be Jade laying on the floor of her play mat, she is playing with a toy and talking while she is playing.
  • 11 months

    Identifies function words in utterances (e.g., the,a): The child is able to identify certain function words in sentences.
    Example: An example would be Jade’s mom playing with her and Jade responding with “I like that”
  • 11 months (cont.)

    Semantics: Understands 5-10 words: The child is able to understand around 5-10 different words.
  • 11 months (cont.)

    Uses imperative pointing: The child is able to point at specific objects.
  • Toddlerhood (12-36 months)

    Toddlerhood (12-36 months)
    *start of toddlerhood
  • 12 months (cont.)

    Semantics: Child speaks their first word.
    Example: Jade says the word, “Mommy”.
  • 12 months

    Phonology: Has mostly unintelligible speech, except for a few words.
    Example: Jade is trying to have a conversation with her mom but every word that comes out of her mouth is hard to understand.
  • 12 months (cont.)

    Syntax & Morphology: Half of all words/utterances spoken by Jade are either a person, place, or a thing (nouns).
    Example: Jade points and shouts “Dog!” when on a walk with her mother.
  • 12 months (cont.)

    Pragmatics: A toddler now has the ability to socially produce referential gestures. A 12 month old will be able to turn towards the speaker. Toddler now uses body and posture to communicate assumptions of other’s actions.
    Example: At 4:36, 12 month old imitates mothers actions and this will help her understand the underlying intentions of her mothers initial actions (to clean her hands).
  • 16 months

    Phonology: Pronounces about 25% of all words intelligibly.
    Example: While taking a bath, Jade and her mother talk but only some words (about 1 in 4) can be understood.
  • 16 months (cont.)

    Syntax & Morphology: 33% of utterances are negations and is in Brown’s Stage I.
    Example: Jade’s mom asks Jade “Do you want more juice”, Jase answers, “No juice!”, and goes off to play with her toys, stating, “My toys!”.
  • 16 months (cont.)

    Semantics: Uses between 3 & 20 words.
    Example: Jade reads with her mom and can say words including book, strawberry, ball, shoe, shirt, knee, and elbow.
  • 16 months (cont.)

    Pragmatics: Able to utilize verbal turn taking.
    Example: Jade and her big sister, Cameron are having a small conversation. Cameron asks Jade what was her favorite part about going to the park today. Jade responds with, “Fun swings!”. Cameron continues with saying that was her favorite part too. This conversation continues with Jade taking the time to listen to her sister and vice versa.
  • 20 months

    Phonology: Toddler begins to take steps in order to speak intelligibly.
    Example: Jade begins to say “Da Da” when referring to their dad or might attempt to say the word orange and point to an orange cup.
  • 20 months (cont.)

    Syntax and Morphology: Begins to use grammatical morphemes (e.g., present progressive -ing).
    Example: Jade is talking to her mom and she says “The dog is walking”.
  • 20 months (cont.)

    Semantics: Ability to speak and produce 50 different words including adjectives and verbs.
    Example: at 3:22-3:28, the 20 month old was able to state he wanted to go “touch doggies” he knew the action to touch and put this into words he knew.
  • 20 months (cont.)

    Pragmatics: Uses gesture-word combinations.
    Example: Jade points at a barbie and then looks at her mom which indicates that she wants the barbie
  • 24 months (cont.)

    Syntax & Morphology: Uses plural and possessive morphemes and some irregular past tense verbs.
    Example: Jade plays with her mom and says “I am getting my babies”.
  • 24 months (cont.)

    Semantics: Child is able to say about 200 words and comprehend around 500 words.
    Example: Jade plays hide and seek with her dad and asks her mom, “Where’s Daddy?”. Her mom says, “I don't know, where IS he?”. Jade continues by stating, “I don't know where he is. Daddy invisible.”
  • 24 months (cont.)

    Pragmatics: Begins to use imaginative, heuristic, and informative language functions.
    Example: Jade has a balloon and uses informative language to describe to her mom how she tied the string of the balloon on her wrist.
  • 24 months

    Phonology: Toddler is able to speak intelligiblly 65% of the time. When questions are asked by the toddler, they are able to add intonation (rise and fall of the voice’s pitch).
    Example: Jade asks her mom, “We go park?”, and emphasizes the word “park” to indicate that she is asking a question as to if they will be going to the park.
  • 28 months

    Phonology: Produces about 70% of all words intelligibly.
    Example: Jade is talking to the speech therapist for an evaluation. During the conversation, the speech therapist starts counting how many words are intelligible
  • 28 months (cont.)

    Syntax & Morphology: Jade has reached Stage III of Brown’s stages of development.
    Example: Jade ecstatically said “Daddy dwiving car!” as she points out the window towards her father pulling into the driveway.
  • 28 months (cont.)

    Semantics: Attends to sentence structure when interpreting new words.
    Example: Jade says “I want a piece of candy”
  • 28 months (cont.)

    Pragmatics: 28 month old will begin introducing new topics into the conversation and performing short dialogues.
    Example: Jade is having a conversation with her grandmother about sugar cubes. Jade suddenly states “I like candy” her grandmother then giggles and replies “Yes you do! Candy bars are sweet aren’t they?” Jade then connecting the two conversations by saying “Yes! Candy have sugar!”
  • 34 months

    Phonology: Pronounces about 80% of all words intelligibly.
    Example: When talking with her parents, only most words can be understood. For example, when she plays with playdough and says “This is playdough”.
  • 34 months (cont.)

    Semantics: Asks simple questions.
    Example: Jade is able to ask simple questions like “Can I play outside?” or “Can I have juice?”.
  • 34 months (cont.)

    Syntax & Morphology: 25% of utterances contains single nouns and verbs, along with the use of contractions.
    Example: Jade’s mom offers Jade some water, “Jade, do you want your sippy cup?”, and Jade states, “No I don’t want that one! That’s not mine!”
  • 34 months (cont.)

    Pragmatics: Child is now able to clarify and ask for clarification during a conversation.
    Example: Jade’s mom asks her to pick up her toys. Jade replies with, “What did you say momma?”. Jade’s mom repeats herself and Jade asks, “These toys?”. Jade’s mom then states, “yes”, and Jade goes off to pick up her toys.
  • Preschool (36-48 months)

    Preschool (36-48 months)
    *start of preschool
  • 36 months

    Phonology: Begins to develop shallow phonological awareness abilities.
    Example: Jade has the ability to rhyme cat with hat.
  • 36 months (cont.)

    Semantics: Uses pronouns such as they, them, us.
    Example: Jade says “The dogs were nice to us”.
  • 36 months (cont.)

    Syntax & Morphology: Uses four to five words in sentences.
    Example: Jade talks about why she is not a princess and she describes the clothes and jewelry they wear. She says “Them have dress-up ones, like whole piece” then says “This is a normal dress, not a dress-up one”.
  • 36 months (cont.)

    Pragmatics: Begins to engage in longer dialogues.
    Example: Jade tells her mom a ‘once upon a time’ story about a robot girl. Jade describes her personality and what she does in the story.
  • 40 months

    Phonology: Refining articulatory skills.
    Example: Jade continues to master how to pronounce certain words by reading several children’s books with her mom that focuses on phonation. Jade’s mom asks her what the picture is showing and Jade answers with “Chi-ck-en S-ou-p”, emphasizing the sounds of each syllable while she speaks.
  • 40 months (cont.)

    Syntax & Morphology: Understands pronouns and is able to use them along with adverbs concerning time.
    Example: Jade says “She said now we go”
  • 40 months (cont.)

    Pragmatics: Begins to create conversational repairs. Able to use primitive narratives in speech.
    Example: Jade explained to her friend “My mommy woke me up, my daddy took me to school, now I’m here with you”
  • 40 months (cont.)

    Semantics: Child is able to use up to 1,500 words and understand some relational terms.
    Example: Jade’s cousin brought her puppy over to her house while visiting and Jade started to pet him. “Wow! The puppy is soft!”
  • 44 months

    Phonology: Has mastered most consonants
    Example: Jade repeats the alphabet and accurately pronounces most consonants. Some of the consonants she can say are /z/, /m/, /b/, /f/, /g/, /s/, /n/, /p/, /t/, /v/
  • 44 months (cont.)

    Syntax and Morphology: Uses articles.
    Example: Jade says “The cat is outside”.
  • 44 months (cont.)

    Semantics: Understands some kinship terms.
    Example: Jade understands her relationship between her and family members like her mom and dad.
  • 44 months (cont.)

    Pragmatics: Understands indirect requests accompanied by nonverbal pointing.
    Example: Jade says, “She asked me to be quiet”, pointing to the girl in her class.
  • 48 months (cont.)

    Syntax & Morphology: Child is able to combine 4-7 words in a sentence and is able to use irregular third person verbs.
    Example: Jade’s mom gives her a cookie. Jade says, “Woah! It has chocolate chips!”.
  • 48 months (cont.)

    Pragmatics: Child is able to use different functions such as organizing and participatory. With this, the child can construct true narratives.
    Example: Jade came back from playing at the park and told her big sister all about her fun adventure. “I see big trees! I play!” Her sister then continues on conversing with her by asking her questions about her day while Jade answers excitedly.
  • 48 months

    Phonology: Uses phonological processes less often.
    Example: Jade has stopped using the phoneme /g/ for /d/ and now is able to say “dog” rather than “gog”. No longer is Jade confused on cluster reductions for simple words like “toe” for “toad”.
  • 48 months (cont.)

    Semantics: Understands the use of reflexive pronouns.
    Example: Jade was seen pushing a kid on the playground, when asked how her friend fell jade replies “She did it herself!”
  • 52 months

    Syntax & Morphology: Uses irregular plural forms.
    Example: When Jade brushes her teeth, she uses the word “teeth” not “tooths”.
  • 52 months (cont.)

    Pragmatics: Uses indirect requests.
    Example: When Jade wants food or a drink she says “I’m hungry” or “I’m thirsty” to indicate she wants something to eat or drink.
  • 52 months (cont.)

    Semantics: Uses “what do,what does,what did” questions.
    Ex: Jade asked her mom “What does a teacher do?”
  • 54 months

    Phonology: Child is very intelligible in connected speech.
    Ex: Jade says “It is so pretty outside”
  • 58 months (cont.)

    Syntax & Morphology: Able to combine at least 5 words in a sentence.
    Example: Jade asked her mother “Mommy can we go play?”
  • 58 months (cont.)

    Semantics: Child is able to use 1,500-2,000 words and can use deictic words.
    Example: Jade’s mom asks her to grab the towel, however, Jade sees two towels: one orange and one blue. Jade asks, “This one”, while grabbing the orange towel, “Or that one?”, while pointing at the blue one. Jade’s mom clarifies by stating, “That one, the blue one.”
  • 58 months

    Phonology: Utilizes phonological processes and knows letters than make up own name.
    Example: Jade likes to read with her big sister. When her sister reads the book to Jade, Jade repeats the words being said: “The queen likes to clean. The wizard has a pet lizard. The witch is very rich.” Jade then goes on by herself and says, “The bird tweets and eats treats.”
  • 58 months (cont.)

    Pragmatics: Able to relay a narrative with a sequence of events but no main character or theme.
    Example: Jade wanted to tell her friend the story her mother read to her before bed to the best of her ability and said “Once upon a time in a magic place a mommy lived in a house with her family, because her family worked very hard for all they had and they lived happily ever after.”