Ezra Pound is born
Ezra Pound is born in Hailey, Idaho Territory in a small two-story house built by his father. His parents Homer Lommis Pound and Isabel Weston were from immigrant family's. They moved to Hailey because Homer, his father got employed as registrar of the General Land Office. -
Moves to New York
Ezra's mother is having trouble in Hailey and take 18-month old Ezra to New York with her where she was before he was born. His father joined them soon and got a new job. -
Moves to Jenkintown
His father was appointed an assayer at the Philadelphia Mint and the family moved to Jenkintown. -
Leaves the Academy
Ezra left the Military Academy to finish High School. -
Graduate's from High School
Ezra graduated High School after leaving the Military Academy. -
Go's to Collage
Ezra Pound enters Collage at the University of Pennsylvania's College of Liberal Arts. -
Enrolls in to school
Ezra starts school at Miss Elliot's dame school. -
First poem published
Ezra pound was 11-years-old when his first poem was published, it was a limerick about Democratic nominee William Jennings Bryan, who had narrowly lost the 1896 Presidential Election. -
Admitted to a Military Academy
Ezra Pound was admitted to Cheltenham Military Academy. Here he studied Latin, English, history, arithmetic, marksmanship, and military drilling. -
Trip over seas
Ezra's mother and his Aunt took a tour of Italy, Germany, Belgium, England, and Switzerland. Ezra was still in the Military Academy while his Mother, Aunt, and himself went on the 3 month trip -
Go's back to Collage
He went back to school at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York -
Ezra Pound was arrested and charged with treason but before his trial he was declared as insane and was admitted to St. Elizabeth's Hospital. He could read and write there. -
Wins Award
Wins Bollingen Prize in 1948 after being locked up for 3 years -
After 13 years he was released and moved back to Venice, Italy and lived out his life. -
Ezra Pound dies at 87
Ezra pound died at the age of 87 in Venice, Italy due to bowel obstruction. -
Takes tour of Europe
He took a tour to Europe and left Collage without Graduating.