I have always enjoys Christmas and not just for the presents. every Christmas morning we all wake up and eat cinnamon rolls and its great. This ties to speaking and listening when I talk to family. -
Midland first church of god
I have been going to church since i was about three years old. I have always went with my brother and I am so happy that i started going when I did. This ties into to listening because you have to listen to the preacher. -
My first baseball game
My first baseball game was when i was 4 years old. I played on the braves in our tee ball league and ever since then i have loved baseball and is still my favorite thing to do. This ties into observing because I remember watching older players play to learn. -
First day of school
I started my first day of school so so so long ago it seems. I have always been pretty smart and have always done well in school. I had to listen to the teacher all the times I was being bad. -
Video games
I have always been a fan at video games and will probably always will be. I have played video games for as long as I remember and I started on a game boy. I have went through many gaming devices since and will go through plenty more. I had to read to play the games I played -
Jr Pro football
I started playing football way back in flag football. I remember always being super exited to get to play and I haven't quit playing since. I had to listen to all the coaches tell me what to do. -
Middle school
I have lots of memories from middle school. I learned a little bit and made a lot more friends. This ties into reading cause I had to read. -
Middle school baseball
Middle school baseball brought many things with it. i went through three different coaches throughout my time and a couple rough seasons, but it also came with many, many good memories. This involved speaking because I talked to the team a lot during the game. -
Middle school football
I had some of my greatest sport memories from middle school football. Our team was really good both seventh and eight grade year. This ties into speaking because I had to call the play every time. -
I have ran track with the high school since I was in seventh grade and I really enjoy it. I don't do too many running events I mostly do long and triple jump. This involved a lot of observing because I love to watch the other runners.