I Was Born
My dad was there he siad it was the best day of his life because I was his first kid. -
I Learned How to Walk
I loved that I learned how to walk because I dont know what I would do if I did not learn how to walk -
I learned how to ride a bike when I was 4 years old
I had a fun time when I was learning how to ride my bike because I got fudgesicles ever time i made it down the hill without crashing. -
When I was 5 years old I went to my first day of school
I was nervous about my first day of school. I thought that i would get made of. I was also excited to meet new people. -
When I was in first grade I got a dog
I stiil have the dog that I got in first grade. She is 7 years old. She is still active and she loves to play with the family. -
When I was in second grade I staryed coach pitch
I still play baseball I love the sport that is why I still play baseball. In baseball I play catcher. I think I am good at catcher. -
In third grade I got my first dirtbike
I still ride dirtbikes to this day. I have a ttr 125 yamaha. I love riding dirtbikes. -
In fourth grade at the end of the year my teacher had a pool party
She was the best teacher I ever had. Her name was Mrs.cournty. She had the whole class over for her pool party. -
In fifth grade I got my first phone
I thought I was so cool. I also thought I had the coolist phone ever. The color of the phone was black. -
In fifth grade my grandpa died
I was really sad because he was my only grandpa left. He died on thanksgiving night. and his funrel was on sunday that weekend. -
In sixth grade for christmas I got a xbox360
I thought that I was so cool. I thought I was so cool cause I had a xbox360.