Jacob B-WW2 Timeline

By Jacob.
  • The Start of War

  • Hitler and Benito Mussolini Meet

  • Paris Is Bombed

  • Norway Surrenders to Germans

  • Strategic Bombings on London Begin

  • Tripartite Act Signed by Axis Powers

  • Germans Invade Greece

  • Germans Enter Athens

  • Battle of Monte Cassino Begins

  • Battle of Cisterna takes place

  • Battle of Monte Cassino Bombed by Allied Powers

  • The Big Week Begins With American Bomber Raids

  • Nazis Kill 400 Prisoners

  • Jews are Beginning to be Sent to Auschwitz

  • Germans Evacuate Monte Cassino

  • D day

  • Germany Bombs England

  • Hitler Almost Assassinated

  • First Concentration Camp Liberated by Russians

  • First German City Falls to America

  • Last Gassings at Auschwitz

  • Hungary Declares War on Germany

  • Hitler Kills Himself

  • Germany Surrenders

  • End of WW2 in Europe