Cherokee Constitution
Afeter a decade of political developement the Cherokee created their own Constitution. Modled after the U.S constitution with three branches of government. Cherokee also created their own form of Bill of Rights. -
Andrew Jacksons Election
Andrew Jackson won 178 Electoral College votes beating John Adams by a total of 115 vote. Andrew Jackson was the U.S 7th president, but the first Democrat voted into office. -
Turnpike Veto
Andrew Jackson vetoes a congressional act that would authoorize the government to invest $150,000 dollars into the Maysville, Washinton, Paris, and Lexington Turnpike Company. -
Indian Removal Act
U.S passes an act takeing all indian lands east of the Mississippi River. The indians were compansated with lands west of the Mississippi River. -
First Democratic Convention
The First Democratic Convention was held in Baltimore, Maryland. Originall called "Republican Delagates of Every State" but during the convention they adopted the current name. Durring the convention Andrew Jackson was nominated for a second term and Martin Van Buren was nominated for vice president. Calhoun was not elected for a second term as Vice President because of his defense on the Doctorian nulification. -
Jacksons Reelection
Andrew Jackson is elected President for a second term defeating Henry Clay by and asstonishing 219-49 votes. Vice President was Martin Van Bueren. -
Calhoun Resigns
Calhoun Resigns as U.S Vice President and quickly replaced Robert Hayne in the U.S Senate. -
Deposites Pulled from Bank of the United States
Secratary of Treasury, Roger Taney, issued a order stating on October 1st all federal tax receipts will be deposited in one of seven banks instead of the United States Bank. -
Bank Investigation
The House of Repersentatives supports Andrew Jackson and his policy toward the Bank of the United States. The House also votes to investigate the Bank of the United States and its role in creating the countries economic crisis. -
Cherokee Tea-Party
A group of Cherokee sign a treaty selling their lands to the U.S for 4.5 million dollars. The treaty was later over ruled by the Cherokee. Vote tole was 2225-1114. -
Treaty of Echota
500 Cherokee sign another treaty selling their lands over to the U.S. Forcing the Cherokee west of the Mississippi River. The U.S ratifies the treaty on May 18th 1836. -
Trail of Tears
The first Cherokees to fight the removal to the west of the Mississippi River. The Cherokee were forced down a trail later named the Trail of Tears.