Election Of 1824
The election of 1824 was about John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson going for president and eventually Adams won. Afterwards Adams told Henry clay if you make me win then He'll make Clay his secratary. Andrew jackson noticed they currupt bargained and they argued. -
Election of 1828
This election made Andrew Jackson president again. Quincy Adams and Jackson had some problems and decided to duel to see who won. -
Indian Removal Act of 1830
This act Jackson made unsettled Indians move west. Some tribes made through it peacefully and some didnt. They were lead by the "Trail of Tears". -
Nulification Crisis
This was a sectional problem against the South and North. This made teriffs unconstitutional and wouldnt enter South Carolina. They wanted a state Gov. and The tariff was opposed in the South and parts of New England. Its opponents expected that the election of Jackson as President would result in the tariff being significantly reduced. -
Bank War
Jackson wanted to detroy the second bank that was established. Instead he got support and decided to establish the 2nd bank in 1816.