jackson & the bank

  • Second National Bank is Chartered

    Second National Bank is Chartered
    President James Madison signed into existence the 2nd National Bank of the United States.
  • Jackson Elected

    This was the beginning of Andrew Jackson's first term in office.
  • Jackson's first annual address to Congress

    Jackson's first annual address to Congress
    Jackson voiced his opinion that the bank was unconstitutional and useless. Furthermore, he alleged that they were unstable and proved a failure by not establishing a uniform currency. All his suggestions were shut down and nothing changed.
  • Petition for Recharter

    Petition for Recharter
    Nicholas Biddle, president of the National Bank, petitioned Congress to recharter the second bank. It passes both houses.
  • Jackson vetoes petition

    Jackson vetoes petition
    Jackson vetoes the recharter of the bank. He expresses his further distrust of the bank not being in the hands of the government.
  • Election of 1832

    Election of 1832
    Andrew Jackson is reelected for a second term.
  • Removal of Federal Deposits

    Removal of Federal Deposits
    Jackson continues his destructive conquest of the bank by withdrawing all federal funding/backing that was provided in the past. To do this, he even swapped out his cabinet members to meet this goal.
  • Jackson's baby banks

    Jackson's baby banks
    In another attempt to disassemble the national bank, Jackson created seven mini state banks to allot the withdrawn federal deposits.
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837
    This economic crash left many unemployed, frustrated, profitless, and very very frustrated at the Jackson Administration
  • The Election of 1840

    The Election of 1840
    By this date, the second national bank ran out of time to be rechartered. Essentially it died out and Martin Van Buren took office.