Jackson's Battle with the Bank

  • Election of 1832

    Henry Clay VS. Andrew Jackson
    Issues such as the national bank was discussed.
  • Jackson vetoes the Bank

    Andrew Jackson vetoes the bill in order to prevent the national bank from being re-chartered.
  • Deposits taken from the National Bank

    An order was issued for the deposits to be taken out of the national bank, and placed into different banks in the states.
  • Whig Party was formed

    The Whig Party was formed which was a party that opposed Andrew Jackson and referred to him as "King Jackson" because they believed that he was a tyrant. They also disagreed with the view that Jackson had on the Bank of the United States.
  • Jackson Censure

    The Senate passes a censure against Jackson because he did not have the power to order the removal of federal deposits from the national bank.
  • National Bank expires

    The charter for the second national bank of the US expires.However, it received a new charter from the state of Pennsylvania and will be now known as the "Bank of the United States of Pennsylvania."
  • Panic of 1837

    This was a period of time where economics and the financials of the United States were unstable. Unemployment went through the roof and the United States was headed for a depression. Most of the banks in the US closed during this time.