
Jackson Project-Jai Parekh

  • Period: to

    Jacksons timeline

  • Election on 1824

    Election on 1824
    The election of 1824 was refered to as te currupt bargain because John Quincy Adame went into office due to the help of Henery Clay who at the time was leader of the house of representitives. This had many impacts one of them, however, was that while John Quincy Adams was in office he was refered to as curupt
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    Im this election due to the fact that John Quincy Adams was called curupt during most of his time in office, Andrew Jackson won by a landslide. A mmajor impact of this besides jackson just becoming presedent is that Jackson get rid of the National Bank. He did this because he thought that the national bank had too much power, so when the bank send in a document to recharter Jackson vetoed it and "Killed the bank"
  • Bank Wars

    Bank Wars
    The bank wars lasted from 1829-1837.The bank wars was an event where Andrew Jackson declared "war" on the bank.Andrew jackson thought that the bank was way to powerful and should not be around anymore because people are useing it to fill their own pockets.The most significant impact of the bank wars was the event where the bank was rejected a recharter and in-turn "Killed".
  • Indian removal act

    Indian removal act
    The indian removal act which was passed by congress. The indian removal act was a act that was passed to move all indians off of georgia into indian teritory. The inpact of the indian removal act was the trail of tears. The trail of tears was a time peroid where ther indians were forced to leave their homes and any loved ones that may have died behind. and because of these reasons it is called a trail of tears
  • Worchester vs. Georgia

    Worchester vs. Georgia
    In this case the natives, specificaly the cherokee,are fighting in court agienst georgia because they have infiltrated their land without their consent and are forceing them to move and leave their land. The courts ruleing was that they cannot change or interfear with georgias laws and they must follow them because even though they are a seperate union they are still under the United States.The cherokee were impacted greatly because they were forces to move from their land.
  • Nullification crisis

    Nullification crisis
    The nullificcaation crisis started in 1832 due to a conflict between South Carolina and the federal govorment.The crisis really became big when the protective tarrifs of 1828 and 1832 passed. What these tariffs did was raise the prise of imports so that the locas industries would be safe from forign buisness, but this did more. Since the south didnt have as many means of transportation as the north did trading goods was very hard. Especially since britain was such a big importer for the south.