I was born on September 23, 1999 -
Expedition One of ISS
On October 31, 2000 the ISS was launched from Kazakhstan. -
The USB Flash Drive
In late December of 2000, the USB flash drive became commercially available. The got rid of the Floppy Disk, and allowed people to transfer large amounts of files on a small device. -
The Launch of Wikipedia
In January of 2011, Wikipedia launched. This created a new age of easy to access information for everyone. The free encyclopedia gave users vast amounts of free info. -
The start of School
In September of 2004 i began my first year of elementary school. -
YouTube was created in 2005. I gained massive popularity as a way for people to share videos fro free. Now anyone can go to YouTube and watch billions of videos. -
The Blu-Ray Player
The Blu-Ray player was created in 2006. It allowed for much higher quality and HD movies to be watched from home. It became a huge success. -
The Release of the iphone
This date marks the release of the first iphone. This opened the way for smart phones to take over the market, and gave people access to a computer where ever they went -
In 2008 the company Android was created. Android in one of the most popular operating systems on smart phones to date. Many companies use android as their OS. -
The Apple iPad was invited in 2010. It was a much larger version of the iPod touch, this allowed for a much larger screen for productivity. -
Finished Elementary School
I finished my education at elementary school. -
Start of Middle School
In 2010 I began sixth grade -
End of Middle School
In the summer of 2014 I finished middle school -
Start of High School
In 2014 I began my freshman year of highschool