2015 09 10 1441883538 6982916 jackiemitchell1

Jackie Mitchell Kayli Hernandez

  • Born

    born on August 29,1914 in Chattanooga,TN
  • What Happened when she was born

    What Happened when she was born
    When she was born she weighed only 3/12 pounds and was very premature but her parents helped her get stronger and start doing sports
  • 8 Years Later

    8 Years Later
    when she was 8 years old she got some pitching tricks from Dazzy Vance and was very happy when he told her she had natural talent
  • 9 Years Later

    9 Years Later
    her first baseball team was the englettes and because of her they one many games
  • Signing The Contract

    Signing The Contract
    she Signed a contract to become a part of the chattanooga lookouts
  • Her First BaseBall game

    Her First BaseBall game
    It was her time to pitch and she was playing up against Babe ruth and she struck him out
  • Period: to


    Our team won many games and soon i decided to retire and work at my dads optometry clinic
  • Died

    She died on January 7, 1987