Jackelyn Zapata- Afghanistan Timeline

  • Amir's chapter 5 flashback

    At the beginning of chapter 5, Amir's flashback has some details of gunshots and shouting in the streets. This depicts the 1973 riots of Kabul when Mohammad Daoud Khan seized power.
  • Chapter 8 Flashback

    We learn that Amir's 13th birthday took place in 1976. From 1973 to 1977 was when Prime Minister Khan overthrows Mohammed Zahir Shah and named himself president. In those years, Khan proposed a new constitution that grants women rights and works to modernize the largely communist state, and cracks down on opponents. Meaning that in those lines of events Amir's birthday took place.
  • Chapter's 10-11 Flashback

    At the time of the flashback, Amir and Baba are fleeing the country. In the 1980s event's in Afghanistan were getting very bad people had begun to flee and by 1982 four million three hundred thousand. people fled, including Amir and Baba.
  • Chapter 13 Flashback

    In 1988 Amir finished his first novel. This event took 6 months before the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan which happened in 1989
  • Chapter 25

    In March of 2002, Amir takes his loved ones to an Afghan gathering at a park, and by the end of the book, Amir has found closure. While this happens, in Afghanistan while the provisional government was in place.