Jan 1, 1192
Yoritomo becomes shogun
In 1192 Yoroitomo was given the title of shogun. He was the first ever shogun in Japans history. Minamoto Yoritomo was the founder of the Karakura Shogunate. -
Jan 1, 1543
The European arrival in Japan
The first ever european people to arrive on Japanese soil in 1543 were the Portuguese merchants. they were washed up on a small island 65 mile south of Kyushuby a big typhoon. By the Japanese people they are known to be the 'South Barbarians'. -
Jan 1, 1543
Portuguese traders arrive in Japan
The portuguese traders on the 1543 arrived on japan ground 65 miles off the main land by a tyhoon. Their sip crashed onto the sand by big waves caused by the typhoon. They arrived on Japan with alot of firearms which a Japanese daimyo took. -
Japan closes the door to the West
Between 1633 - 1639 they were not allowing Japanese people to make contact outside of Japan. This remained in force for the next 200 years. -
The beginning of the Heian period
The Heian period is the last division of classical Japanese history, running from 794 to 1185.. It is the period in Japanese history when Buddhism, Taoism and other Chinese influences were at their height. -
The Origins of all major religions
This period of religious history begins with the invention of writing about 5,000BCEyears ago (3,000BCE) in the Near East. Evidence of religious ideas includes symbolic artifacts from the Middle Stone Ages.