Jack Tomasello's Presidental Timelin

  • Obama is Inaugerated

    Obama is Inaugerated
    Obama was Inaugerated into office.
  • Period: to

    Obama presidency

    Obama is President for this entire time, and is blamed for what George W. Bush Did
  • obama 2011

    obama 2011
    formally announced his re-election campaign for 2012
  • Republican Primary

    Republican Primary
    Republican primary is held
  • Primaries

    Maryland and D.C Primaries won by obama.
  • Period: to

    Constitution Party Convention

    The Constitution Party Hosts it's convention
  • Romney is Presidental Candidate

    Romney is Presidental Candidate
    Romney is officially announced as the Republican Presidental Candidate
  • 1st Debate

    1st Debate
    1st Presidental debate occcurs
  • Vice-Presidental Debate

    Vice-Presidental Debate
    Vice Presidental Debate occurs
  • Final presidental Debate

    Final presidental Debate
    Final Presidental Debate Occures at this time