Hepburn act
The Hepburn act gave The ICC (interstate commerce commission) the ability to enforce its ruling by law this was to help them regulate the railroad price gouging (during Theodore Roosevelt's term) -
Meat inspection act
this act required truthful branding of food and required it to be processed under sanitary conditions (under Theodore Roosevelt's term) -
Pure Food and Drug Act
this act helped establish the FDA and prohibited sale of adulterated food and drug products. (under president Theodore Roosevelt's term) -
Period: to
Jack's Progressive timeline
16th Amendment
this amendment allowed congress to impose a national income tax regardless of census data or state apportionment ( under William Taft's term) -
The 17th amendment
this allowed for the popular election of a states's senators and put in place methods for emergency election of senators (under William Taft's term) -
Federal reserve act
made a federal bank and allowed for further change to the monetary system (under Woodrow Wilson's term) -
Clayton Antitrust act
this act restricts a company from merging to form monopolies and tying agreements it also prohibits predatory pricing (during Woodrow Wilson's term) -
federal trade commission act
empowered the federal trade commission to stop unfair business practices and help seek relief for unjust business practices that have harmed customers financially (under Woodrow Wilson's term) -
18th amendment
this act put into effect nation wide prohibition and outlawed the production and sale of alcoholic beverages (under Woodrow Wilson's term) -
19th amendment
granted women suffrage in national elections and the right to vote this act was passed on 1919 (under Woodrow Wilson's term)