drug store
In 1896, Stauffer’s Drug Store was founded in New Holland, Pennsylvania by my great, great grandfather. It is still operating today, 120 years later. -
In 1909, George Sisson, my great, great grandfather homesteaded from Iowa to Nebraska. -
Kauffman Is born
In 1915, my great grandmother, Dorothy Stauffer Kauffman, was born. Her mother was 51 years old at the the time which was really old to be having a baby in 1915. My great grandmother was the same age as her nieces and nephews. -
In 1918, my great grandmother Alma Sisson moved from Kansas to Nebraska, where she lived in a sod house. -
Immigration Time
In 1930, my great grandfather, William Hynd, immigrated to the United States from Scotland -
Foundation of Familly
n 1936, my great grandparents Lyle and Alma Sisson founded the family farm, which sat in the corner of Nebraska, where it meets the borders of Wyoming and Colorado -
World war II Draft
In 1942, my great grandfather, Benjamin Kauffman, was drafted to fight in World War II. He was a tank driver and fought in the Pacific Theatre before returning home in 1945. -
In 1969, my grandfather, John (Jack) Hynd, graduated from Rider College. He was the first person in his family to go to college. He met my grandmother there. -
On June 27, 1970, my grandfather, Jack Hynd, married my grandmother, Marty Kauffman Hynd. In a few years they will celebrate their 50th anniversary! -
Daddy Moves
In 1972, my father, Kevin Jones, moved from Wyoming to a farm in Eastern Oregon. A few years later, he moved to Portland Oregon, where he grew up and graduated from high school and college. -
Portland University Graduated
In 1979, my grandmother, Anetta Jones, graduated from Portland State University. At the time, she was the first and only person in her family to go to college. -
Portland to Phiily
In 2002, my father moved from Portland, Oregon to Philadelphia where he met my mom a few months later -
On October 17, 2005, my mom and dad got married on the island of Maui in Hawaii. We went to Hawaii last year to celebrate their 10th anniversary. -
On May 31, 2007, I was born. -
On February 20, 2010, my sister Lucy was born.