
Jack Kerouac

By jusolo
  • Birth

    He was born on March 12th of 1922 in Massachusetts.
  • Date of birth

    He was born on March 12th of 1922.
  • Death of his older brother

    Death of his older brother
    His brother died in June 6th of 1926. His brother was named Gerard, and was the oldest brother. He died by rheumatic fever.
    This affected four-year-old Jack, who later said that Gerard was his guardian angel.
  • Visions of Gerard

    Visions of Gerard
    This book was made by Jack Kerouac.
  • Death

    He died on October 21th of 1969 in Saint Petersburg, Florida, U.S.
  • La vie est d'hommage

    La vie est d'hommage
    A french-written book of unpublished works that was published on 2016.