
Jack Black Timeline

By 368395
  • Birth

    August 28, 1969, Santa Monica, California, United States
  • Growth

    Movies like "School of Rock" which was a comedy/musical movie made in 2003, and "Kung Fu Panda" which was a action/adventure movie made in 2008 made Jack Black big in the movie scene. Those are the biggest movies Jack Black has been apart of and it blew his fame up in a great direction. [http://www.notablebiographies.com/news/A-Ca/Black-Jack.html]
  • Decline

    Jack Black revealed he battled serious cocaine addiction. The reason why the addiction started was because his 31 year old brother died when jack black was only the age of 14 in 1989. He lost his beloved brother to AIDS. That made Jack Black really depressed and that's what got him into his horrible addiction. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3265681/Jack-Black-reveals-turned-cocaine-aged-14-devastation-losing-beloved-brother-AIDS.html
  • Introduction

    Jack Black, While at UCLA, he was a member of Tim Robbins's acting troupe and it was through this collaboration that led to his 1992 film debut in Bob Roberts (1992). Although he was just a background voice in his first film, Jack's appearances in such television shows as The X-Files (1993), his breakthrough performance in High Fidelity (2000), and his rock-comedy band, Tenacious D, have created a still growing fan-base.
  • Maturity

    "Kung Fu Panda 3" was a recent movie that Jack Black was in, but the most recent movie that Jack was in is called "Goosebumps". The fact that Jack Black is playing roles in movies and that the past doesn't effect him anymore is quite impressive. Jack Black matured tremendously not only through his movie career but through the way he's been acting and the way hes been recently and that is him being happy and back to making movies for the fans.
  • Decision Point

    Decision Point
    Jack Black was slowing down in his movie career because he was getting too bored of playing the same character over and over again and feels like his career is 'coming to a end'.