Jaci & Latrell's History of an Atom Project

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    Aristotle BC

    • he thought atoms didn't exist
    • all things where made up of earth, fire, water, and air
    • he used no method and had no proof
  • Dalton 1766

    • discovered what atoms were made of
    • proposed an atomic theory of matter that become a basic theory of modern chemistry
    • gathered evidence from experiments
    • atoms looked like billiard balls
  • Heisenburg and Schrodinger

    • Heisenburg - uncertainly principle
    • Schrodinger - mechanics the reason why electrons have
    • they used mathematical models
  • Thomson 1856

    • discovered the electron
    • suggested a model of the atom as a sphere of positive matter in electrons in 1904
    • nicknamed his model "plum pudding" also "raisin bread"
  • Bohr (1885-1962)

    • developed a theory about the structure of the atom
    • made a model that allow the electrons to be outside the nucleus
    • observations of previous models was his method
  • Democritus 460 BC-370 BC

    • discovered and developed the idea of atoms
    • his model was just a round, solid ball
    • gathered evidence from experiments
    • made a significant contribution with his atomic theory of the universe that all things orginated from atoms.
  • Rutherford 1911

    • discovered the nucleus
    • changed by adding orbiting negative electrons
    • mathmatical theories