On April 17, 1837 J.P Morgan was brought into the world. -
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J.P Morgan's Life Span
While attending collage in Europe J.P Morgan deiced to have a major in banking. After collage he soon started working for the private banking house Duncan, Sherman and Company. -
Morgan's Marriage - Amelia Sturges
Not long after arriving in America J.P Morgan meet want he thought was the love of his life. After meeting together so long J.P Morgan deiced to proposed and she said yes. However earlier in the last winter she came down with a cough, But Amelia deiced not to post pone the wedding and they got married on October 7, 1861. Then on the honeymoon the deiced to go see a doctor and she got diagnosed with Tuberculosis and died four mouths later after the wedding. -
Morgan's second Wife - Frances Louisa Tracy
When the Civil War ended J.P Morgan deiced to remarry. Although the two we not the much alike then became good partners. J.P Morgan and Frances had 4 children. Louisa, the first and favorite daughter, J. P. Morgan, Jr who went on to be like his father and took over Morgan house after he died, Juliet who marred a person that shared a family tree with Alexander Hamilton, and Anne, the only free spirit among the Morgan children. -
Morgan Ends the Civil War Debt
Morgan gives $1400 million dollars to fix the debut America had during the Civil War. -
By buying stock from other competitors J.P Morgan bought a significant amount of railroads that impacted his business. -
Discovering Electricty
Morgan went out on a search for the new business that he could invest on. So he met up with Tomas Edison. He showed him the light bulb made out of Direct Current. After investing a lot of money into the Edison Company Morgans house was the first house to lit with DC light bulbs. -
Junius Spencer Morgan's Death
Junius was J.P Morgans dad therefore it was hard to get over this accident. Junius tough J.P everything about banking and doing things the Morgan way. However this was also a relief for J.P because now he could create his own name and would eventually do things that his father would not do. Take a risk. -
Moving from DC to AC
After losing one to many competitions against his competitors J.P Morgan bought enough stock to were he was in control of the company. So he fired Edison, changed from DC to AC, and made his own name called General Electric. J.P Morgan was now stronger than ever. -
J.P Morgan Buys Carnegie steel
In the year 1901 J.P Morgan bought Carnegie Steel for $490 million dollars. At this time that was an outrages price and Andrew Carnegie expected no one to buy it. However J.P Morgan had different plans. He bought the company and soon it was more successful than ever. It was soon worth 1 billion dollars; this was the first company in the world to be worth 1 billion dollars. J.P Morgan now renamed it to US Steel company. -
Theodore Rosevelt
A threat was coming for the men who built america.Theodore Roosevelt was going to shut them down because he believed that no person should consist of that amount of money. This was bad news. However the latest president they gave a large amount money to shut down the another person that was targeting them. In this case they deiced to try the same thing with their former president. But this did not last long because he got assassinated and Theodore Roosevelt was in office. -
Morgans Death
Morgan Died close to his 75th birthday. How Morgan died was he was in the grand hotel in Rome and he died in his sleep. This death was so important the stock market closed for a whole day ( a ceremony only presidents would have.) J.P Morgan was very important to the history of america. With out him there may not be any lights, steel would not be as good as it is now, and banking might not be the same. We owe a great thanks to J.P Morgan for transforming our country.