The birth of J.K Rowling
J.K Rowling had been born at the Yate General Hospital, just outside Bristol. Her document of birth was filed at 9:10 (or 21:10) P.M. that day. (Timezone was GDT) -
J.K Rowling's epiphany
When J.K Rowling was 25 years old, in Manchester, she had the epiphany of writing the "Harry Potter" series. She had this epiphany while waiting for her delayed train to go to London King's Cross. -
Anne Rowling's death
When she was 45 years old, J.K Rowling's mother, Anne Volant Rowling, had passed away. She died due to 10 years of suffering from multiple sclerosis. -
J.K Rowling's first publication
After 6 years of dedicated writing, J.K Rowling had officially published her first Harry potter book, titled "The Sorcerer's Stone." The book was published by Bloomsbury. -
J.K Rowling's last publication
J.K Rowling had finally published her last book of the Harry Potter series, in total, she spent 17 years writing the 8 books of the series. "The Deathly Hallows" had also won the award for most sold copies within 24 hours of release.