
Telecommunication inventors

  • computer by Charles Babbage

    computer by Charles Babbage
    the computer is used tu work, play, program and a lot of things
  • telegraph by Samuel Morse

    telegraph by Samuel Morse
    The telegraph is used to send messages.
  • telephone by Antonio Meucci

    telephone by Antonio Meucci
    the telephone is used to communicate with your loved ones
  • radio by Guglielmo Marconi

    radio by Guglielmo Marconi
    is used to listen music and the news
  • televison by John Logie Baird

    televison by John Logie Baird
    is used for watch the news.
  • tablet by Alan Kay

    tablet by Alan Kay
    it is similar to mobile but bigger
  • mobile phone by Martin Cooper

    mobile phone by Martin Cooper
    The mobile cell phone is an electronic device that allows communication through various tools: by telephone, through applications, emails, among others. The function of the cell phone is to communicate and that is the root of its importance, especially in emergency situations.