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Alliance Systems
The Alliance Systems were a bunch of countries that got together and became allis with one another. They did this to help each other fight battles and win over land and countries with helping each other out more trade got involved. -
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Levels of Militarization before WWI
This was the getting ready for WW1. This is when the armies all stocked up in what they needed. They trained for any battles or wars that were about to occur. They needed to be ready for when action hits town, by doing this they were semi ready. -
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League Of Nations
The league of nations was made to demolish certain bad aspects and to sort of once again get the countries to alli together. This semi worked -
The beggining of Trench Warfare
Trench warfare is a form of occupied fighting lines, consisting largely of trenches, in which troops are largely immune to the enemy's small arms fire and are substantially sheltered from artillery. This was used for the first time in the beggining of WW1. New Technolgy combined with the old tactics produced new tactics. The stalemates were broken by the US entrance. -
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
On 28 June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, were shot dead in Sarajevo, by Gavrilo Princip. The political objective of the assassination was to break off Austria-Hungary's south-Slav provinces so they could be combined into a Greater Serbia or a Yugoslavia. He was kill because Serbia didnt have its freedom. This is what started a lot of things that led up to WW1. -
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Balkan Campaign(WWI)
The Balkan Campaign was a war more known as WW1. This is when countries who had allied up had started to get attacked on. This led to many downfalls and uprisings. This was one of the more major events in history. -
This was a german submarine that was used during WW1. It would launch missels to hit other ships. The first one that was being used was sunk on September 5th. This was such a big deal beacuse the Germans were attcking US civilian ships because the US were supplying the British. The Germans attcked the Lusitiania whis was a civilan ship and people were on it. Febuary 18, 1915 Gernany announced that they would declare was on those nations that traded with Britain. -
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Bolshevik Revolution
When leader Lenin forced his people to make a bolshevik party. This got many people angered and realized that Lenin was doing bad. This led to many people turning on him. -
Entry of the United States
Zimmerman sent a telegram to Mexico to entice Mexico into an alliance against the United States, as his reasons for declaring war. This was an attempt to distract The United States from WWI. The United States later declared war on Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917. Germany’s resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 was the primary motivation behind Wilson’s decision to lead the United States into World War I. -
Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was the peace settlement signed after World War One had ended in 1918 and in the shadow of the Russian Revolution and other events in Russia. The Treaty of Versailles delt with punishing Germany. As a result Germany had complete financial responsiblity. This embarrased Germany and made them economically weak. -
Rise Of Fascism
Fascism only started to rise up in 1922. Fascism is a dictatorship that focuses on nationalism. Many leaders like Mussolini, Hitler, Hirohito, and Franco were leaders who started Fascism. They would promise jobs and they promised that they could solve many economic problems. When they knew they could not. This led to many wars and deaths. Mussolini killed many, as well did Hitler. Hitler is one of the most common person who followed Fascism. -
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Great Depression
The Great Depression, an immense tragedy that placed millions of people out of work. Unemployment rose to the millions! This led to many families dying because they were not able to afford anything. This was one of the harshest times in histotry -
Stalin Coming to Power in Russia
When Stalin became the undisputed leader of Russia in 1929, he realised that Russia was far behind the west and that she would have to modernise her economy very quickly if she was to survive. Also a strong economy would lead to a strong military if Russia was going to survive threats from external forces. A modernised Russia would also provide the farmers with the machinery they needed if they were going to modernise their farms - such as tractors. -
Germany Invasion of Austria
On July 26th Germany and Austria started working together. They would help each other out if one another needed it. Germany started to think that Austria was to strong and Germany also thought that they needed more land. They fought one year later on March 12th and with much enthusiasm on March 13th Hitler gave Austria and annex. -
German invasion of Austria, Sudetenland/Czechoslovakia, Rhineland
Hitler sent in armies to take over these places over time so that he could gain more supporters and people to fight with him against the jews and many other different people. -
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Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Civil War was a major conflict fought in Spain. -
German invasion of Poland
Hitler singned a nonaggression pact with Poland in January 1939. Hitler negotiated a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union in the summer of 1939.The German-Soviet Pact of August 1939, stated that Poland was to be partitioned between the two powers, enabled Germany to attack Poland without the fear of Soviet intervention.. France and Britain's military to go war with Nazi Germany. After heavy shelling and bombing, Warsaw surrendered to the Germans on September 27, 1939. -
Evacuation of Dunkirk
During the war many British and French troops went to Dunkirk. To much of their surprise German troops surrounded them, they were no sitting ducks for anything to happen. The advancing German Army trapped the British and French armies on the beaches around Dunkirk. 330,000 men were trapped here and they were a sitting target for the Germans.Despite attacks from German fighter and bomber planes, the Wehrmacht never launched a full-scale attack on the beaches of Dunkirk. -
Fall of France
The attack began on May 10, 1940, with German air raids on Belgium and Holland, followed by parachute drops and attacks by ground forces. The British and French had responded to the original attack by putting into operation a plan to advance to the River Dyle, in Belgium. The Allies pushed their best forces, including the British, into Belgium. Nazi accupied France. -
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Battle of Britain
This Battle was one of the most famous of WW2. -
Pearl Harbor
This was an attack from Japan to the Americans. At 6:00 a.m. on 7 December, the six Japanese carriers launched a first wave of 181 planes composed of torpedo bombers, dive bombers, horizontal bombers and fighters. Even as they winged south, some elements of U.S. forces on Oahu realized there was something different about this Sunday morning. The Japanese and Americans fought all day, but sadly in the end the US did not win. But this is the thing that brought the US into World War Two -
Battle of Midway
At that moment 37 Douglas Dauntless bombers from the USS Enterprise peeled off into a dive attack on two Japanese aircraft carriers. Within minutes both ships were ablaze, their death throes punctuated by the explosion of fuel lines, badly stowed ordnance and aircraft petrol tanks. After their success at Pearl Harbor in December 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy's six large aircraft carriers, operating over 400 aircraft, had rampaged around the Pacific, sinking British warships in the Indian oce. -
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Battle of Stalingrad
This was a seige that had happened in Russia. This battle was due to Hitler and his refusel to surrender! Thousands of soldeirs were killed because of Hitlers ignorance. -
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Battle of Guadalcanal
A brutal and of course violent battle. This battle took over 6 months for the Americans to win. The Japanese had a huge advantage until the Americans started to fight from the sky with helicopter attacks -
A mighty armada crossed a narrow strip of sea from England to Normandy, France, and cracked the Nazi grip on western Europe. Over three million service personnel were involved and it all hinged on the success of the Normandy Landings on D-Day. -
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Bombing of Tokyo
It was an air raid that killed around 100,000 people in one night. This was when the US dropped thousands of bombs killing thousands of people in one night. This was a major attack on Tokyo -
V-J Day
The Allies celebrated victory over Japan on 15 August 1945, although the Japanese administration under General Koiso did not officially surrender with a signed document until 2 September. Both dates are known as VJ Day. War with Japan had been brewing since the China incident in 1937, and the threat of war in the east intensified when Japan signed the Tripartite Pact with Germany in September 1940. VJ Day marked not only the end of the war in the Pacific, but also the end of World War Two -
V-E Day
This is the day the Europe gained the victory of WW2. Tuesday 8 May 1945 was 'Victory in Europe' (VE) Day, and it marked the formal end of Hitler's war. With it came the end of six years of misery, suffering, courage and endurance across the world. The fighting, killing and dying went on up to the very last minute, and even continued into the immediate period of supposed peace. A German U-Boat sank two merchant ships on 7 May off the Scottish coast, and some Germans continued to fight. -
Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion wiped out 90 percent of the city and immediately killed 80,000 people; tens of thousands more would later die of radiation exposure. Three days later, a second B-29 dropped another A-bomb on Nagasaki, killing an estimated 40,000 people. After this Japan later surrendered on August 15th.