
  • Jan 1, 1450


    i choose this technology first because it was the first element with we can communicate made it possible to print things instead of copying them. He do johannes Gutenberg
  • rae

    they was created by Juan Manuel Fernández Pacheco y Zúñiga in Madrid
  • TV

    the first tv was created by Philo Farnsworth,John Logie Baird,Kenjiro Takayanagi and Charles Francis Jenkins. The first transmission was the BBC, and the olympics games of Berlin.
  • emal

    he create the email Ray Tomlinson. The first email sais like this: QWERTYUIOP
  • mobile phone

    mobile phone
    he invented Martin Coope, William Rae Young and Eric Tigerstedt the first brand was motorola.
  • gps

    they invented Ivan Alexander Getting,Bradford Parkinson and Roger L. Easton. The first use was for militar use and later por civil use.
  • PlayStation

    He invented Ken Kutaragi. The first videogame was dragon ball
  • wifi

    they invented Hedy Lamarr, John O´Sullivan, Terence Percival, Diethelm Ostry, Vale John Deane and Graham Daniels. During World War II, the actress developed a system of radio-guided torpedoes that prevented them from being detected by the enemy, and the technology of spread spectrum by frequency hopping that ended up giving rise to the first Wi-Fi connection standard.
  • google

    they invented Larry page and Serguei Brin.The word "Gúgol" was coined by Edward Kasner, an important American mathematician, who used the term to represent the number 10 to the power of 100. It is said that the mathematician asked his nine-year-old nephew for a name at random for that number.
  • whatsapp

    He invented Jan Koum.In the first instance, he wanted to create an application that would allow him to send notifications to friends, but then the idea changed and the goal became to create an instant messaging application.
  • instagram

    they invented Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger.Cristiano Ronaldo is who has the most followers with 472M. Cristiano wons with a post almost 1.4M€. I those this app because is the app that i use the most