
Italy in the Interwars

By Iressa
  • Rome Becomes the Capital of Italy

    Rome Becomes the Capital of Italy
  • Benito Mussolini

    Benito Mussolini
    This day in history is when Benito Mussolini was born
  • London Pact

    France, Britain and Russia promised Italy land for their efforts in the war. However when the time came, they could not pay up because the land was occupied. The current prime minister, Vittorio Orlando was embarrassd for returning without the land.
  • Civil Unrest Begins

    Civil Unrest Begins
    This year was the founding of the Fasicist Party. This was also the beginning of a rise to power for Mussolini
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Italy seeking land, obained it by betraying Germany and Japan, The Entente promised Italy land for helping them during the war and betraying the triple Alliance.
  • Mussolini Is Sworn In

    The day before, Mussolini wassummoned to meet the king in Rome. Only after being sworn in as Prime Minister were the Fascists who gather outside Rome allowed to march in triumph. Mussolini remained in power until he was deposed by King Victor Emmanuel III in 1943.
  • Baptism

    The Roman Cathloic Church played a large role in Italy during the time of Mussolini. To gain more credibility, Mussolini has his childern baptised
  • Benito Mussolini Dictator

    Benito Mussolini becomes the dictator of Italy.
  • Italy vs East Africa

    Italy vs East Africa
    Italy conquers land in East Africa. This leads to the League of Nations becoming uneasy. This lead Italy to make a alliance with Germany instead.
  • Nazi-Italian Treaty

    Nazi-Italian Treaty
    Treaty of alliance between Germany and Italy is formed. Later on, Japan would join this treaty to form the triple axis.
  • Anti-Comintern Pact

    The Anti-Comintern Pact was an anti-communist pact concluded between Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan. Italy signed a year after Germany and Japan, thereby forming the group that would be known as the Axis Powers.
  • Pact of Steel

    The Pact of Steel was originally intended to be a military alliance between Japan, Italy, and Germany. Japan wanted the focus of the pact to be aimed at Russia. Italy and Germany wanted to aim this pact at France and Biritan. Due to this disagreement, the pact was signed without Japan and became an agreement between Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. This was an open declartion of continuing trust and cooperation between Germany and Italy.