Italy cities map

Italian Unification

  • Piedmont

    The kingdom of Piedmont, the northern portion of Italy, consisted of Sardinia, Nice, and Savoy.
  • Camillo di Cavour

    Camillo di Cavour
    Picked by King Victor Emmanel II of Piedmont to be his prime minister. His goals were to increase government revenues and enable the kingdom to equip a large army. He was also a great figure for the unification of Italy because of his actios in retaking part of Italy from Austria.
  • Austria-Italy War

    After making an alliance with the French emperor, Louis-Napoleon, to gain military strength. Cavour tricked Austria into fighting Italy. When French forces crushed the Austrians, Nice and Savoy were given to the French in return for the alliance and Italy gained Lombardy from Austria.
  • Revolutions

    Cavour's success against Austria led other Italian states into overthrowing their governments and joining Piedmont to form a unified Italy.
  • Giuseppe Garibaldi

    Giuseppe Garibaldi
    Raised an army of Italian volunteers into an army and conquered Sicily and Naples with them.
  • Almost complete Italian unification

    Garibaldi gave the land he conquerred to Piedmont in hopes of unifying Italy. All that was left to conquer were Venetia and Rome.
  • Venetia

    During the Austro-Prussion War, Italy allied with Prussia. When Prussia won the war, Italy was given Venetia.
  • Rome

    When France was driven away from Rome by the Prussians during the Franco-Prussian war, Italy moved in and anexed Rome, taking it for themselves and making it Italy's capital. After the capture of Rome, Italy became a unified country.