Italian unification (1830-1870)

  • Giuseppe Mazzini's young Italy

    In the year 1831 the nationalist leader named Giuseppe Mazzini founded a group called young Italy. It was a secret society/group with the goal of making Italy a "free, independent, republican nation."
  • Nationalists in Venice

    In 1848 a group of nationalists in Venice conquered the city's arsenal then declared that a republic of Venice be established.
  • Rebellion forces destroyed

    In 1849 Austrian forces defeated the rebellion in Venice
  • Count Camilo Cavour

    In 1852 King Victor Emmanuel II appoints Camillo Cavour his prime minister, a wealthy man from a Noble family. Cavour was a monarchist that believed in realpolitik. Once in office Cavour I'm proved agriculture and farming, supported free trade and put in new railroads. His goal was to rid Italy of Austrian dominance and "annex the provinces of Lombardy and Venetia."
  • Crimean war

    During the Crimean war against Russia, Sardinia allies with Britain and France
  • Secret deal

    In 1858 prime minister cavour and Napoleon III negotiate a secret deal
  • Cavour and Austria

    Cavour provokes Austria to start a war
  • Giuseppe Garibaldi and the red shirts

    In 1860 Cavour provides Giuseppe Garibaldi with weapons for him and his army of 1,000 red shirts to invade Sicily and eventually take Naples.
  • Cavour And Emmanuel

    Cavour dies, but King Victor Emmanuel II is crowned king of italy
  • King Victor Emmanuel II

    as a patriotic gesture garibaldi Handed over Sicily and Naples to King Emmanuel who conquers Rome which becomes the capital of a now unified Italy