Italian Unification

  • Young Italy

    Mazzini the leader of the nationalist Founded Young Italy
  • Revolutionary republic

    Mazzini's Revolutionary republic in Rome but when the french found out thier troops toppled it.
  • The Prim Minister

    V.Emmanuel made Camille Cavour Prime minister . He rebuilt the economy and help italy improve on many things
  • Together joined

    Cavour joined Britain and france in the Crimean war against russia , the didn't win and gain territory but they had a voice at the peace conference
  • The secret

    Cavour made a secret deal with napoleon II that promised to aid Sardinia just in case it faced a war with Austria. So francis Joseph he made lamented reforms granted a new constitution that set up a legislature
  • Challenges

    challenges came when Austria lost to france and Sardinia
  • Garibald' red shirts

    Garibald had 1000 red-shirted volunteers on his side . They took control of Sicily they crossed the main land and marched to the north Naples
  • Unity at last

    Victor Emmanuel was made king of italy and cavor died but his successor accomplished his dream , the deal that "italy acquired Venetia after the Austrian-Prussia war
  • United

    in the Franco- Prussian war france was forced to re come it' troops form in Rome , for the first time italy was united