Founding of Rome (753 B.C.)
Rome becomes the cultural and religious center of the western world. -
Lombards invade Italy ending Byzantine Rule
Weakened the early Italian empires under the rule of Alboin, expelled last Roman Empires. -
May 16, 1266
Marco Polo explores Asia
Marco Polo explores Asia and brings treasures back to Europe. Inspires Christopher Columbus to sail across the Atlantic Ocean. -
Jun 4, 1348
Black Death Pandemic
The Black Death pandemic made millions flee, wiping out a thrid of Italy's population. This significantly reduced Italy's population and moral. -
Apr 15, 1452
Birth of Leonardo DeVinci
Leonardo DeVinci inspires inventors and artists for years to come. Improves European technology. -
May 22, 1565
Knights of Malta repel Ottoman invaders
Knights of Malta fought Ottoman invaders which protected Europe from the Ottoman armies. -
Constitution of San Marino Drafted
The Constitution drafted created the goverment system of parliamentery republic, forming the first democracy since Roman and Greek times. -
Napoleon Bonaparte conquers Northern Italy
Napoleon Bonaparte conquers Northern Italy, unifies Northern Italy under French rule. -
Creation of Italy
Unified the surrounding kingdoms, creating Italy. Stablized the southern regions of Europe. -
Italian forces recapture Rome
Rome becomes the capital of Italy to present day, becomes the center of a unified Italy -
Italy joins Triple Alliance
Italy joins Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary. Causes them to join WWI on the German side. Causes many losses in the war. -
Italy secretly signs Treaty of London
Italy promised to leave the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria Hungary, Italy) and join the Triple Entente (France, Britain, United States). This caused a shift of power in WWI -
Treaty of Versailles
Italy is not given the lands it was promised in the Treaty of London, leads to a facist revolution in Italy. Causes them to join WWII on the German side. -
Mussolini comes to power
Mussolini takes Italy from being a second-tier country to being a world power. -
Period: to
Reign of Benito Mussolini
29 July 1883 – 28 April 1945 -
Vatican City created by Lateran Treaty
The Lateran Treaty, signed by Italy and the Holy See, created Vatican City as a city-state. This treaty formed the smallest independent state in the world, while also being the least populous. -
Italy becomes a Republic
Referendum votes Italy to become a Republic after Allied occupation of Italy. Establishes democracy up to present day. -
Europeon Euro replaces Italian Lira
Brings Italy into the Europeon Union, eventually causes them to be effected by the Europeon Debt Crisis. -
Burscoloni elected president
Begins Burscoloni reign of corruption, weakens Italy politically and economically -
Europeon Debt Crisis causes Prime Minister to step down
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi steps down from office, replaced by Mario Monti in hopes of reducing Italian debt. -
Fall of Rome
Ostrogoths sack Rome, destroying the Western Roman Empire. This fractures Italy for years to come.