1940 BCE
Jews´ trasleted
In 1940, the Jews were moved into ghettos; like Warsaw (the biggest one) where a lot of people died from starvation and disease -
1938 BCE
Munich Agreement
On 29th September 1938 Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France reached the Munich Agreement, where Germany annexed the Sudetes After the Treaty of Versailles, Poland divided Germany into two parts and East Prussia remained isolated. -
1936 BCE
Conquered of Etiopia
Mussolini conquered and annexed Abyssinia (Ethiopia) -
1935 BCE
Hitler´s re-take
Hitler began some campaigns to re-take over those German regions(Saarland, Rhineland ) -
1934 BCE
Hitler arrest Röhm
Hitler ordered to arrest Röhm and others. Several hundred people were killed. -
1933 BCE
Hitler elections
Hitler decided to call for another
election hoping to make the
Nazis stronger in the Reichstag (Parliament), and they did it well this time because:
They controlled the mass media -
1932 BCE
Elections by Hindenburg
President Hindenburg called an election but did not get the majority -
1924 BCE
Fascists go to the power
MUssolini changed the
election system and in the next elections fascists got the power. He began to hange Italy into a dictatorship where people had to do as they were told. -
1923 BCE
Germany sufferes a hyperinflation; price increase -
1923 BCE
New Canciller
stresemann is the new canciller -
1922 BCE
Mussolini begining
fascists led by Benito Mussolini began to control m
any parts of Italy. . When socialists called
for a general strike in 1922, Mussolini's men terro
rised them and controlled the situation. That
made him very popular -
1922 BCE
Musolini's ascension
Mussolini was asked to become Prime Minister. -
New republic
After the Great War a republic was set up with more problems