It's A Wonderful Life

  • Birth-day!

    I have entered the world!
  • 1st Car Crash

    1st Car Crash
    Sadly, this crash put my younger brother and I in the hospital for a couple of days. He had little scratches on his face from the glass and I have an indention on the side of my head where hair doesn't grow anymore.
  • Got Saved!

    Got Saved!
    I was in my Grandma's store when I asked Jesus to come into my heart. I quietly went to the back room, got down on my knees and said, "Please come into my heart."
  • House Fire

    House Fire
    Trailer burned down and lost everything. We ended up buying my grandparent's house from them and adding on an addition a few years later.
  • State Marching Band Contest

    State Marching Band Contest
    As a freshman in high school, the band made district and school history by making it to the UIL State Marching Contest. We had ~40 people in the band. (This is considered VERY small in the band world.) Although we didn't make finals, we did place 13th at contest.
  • Graduated from MVHS

    Graduated from MVHS
    Officially a Lobo alumni! Graduated #6 in my class.
  • Period: to

    UTEP Miner!

    I am going to school studying to be an elementary teacher.