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History of romainia

By thedoor
  • 200 BCE

    Establishment of Dacia

  • Period: 105 to 106

    The Second Dacian-Roman war

  • 106

    Siege of Sarmizegetusa begins

  • 106

    Roman settlers and Administration arrives in Dacia

  • 256

    The Aruelian retreat takes place

  • 500

    The arrival of the Slavs

  • 950

    Gelu, Glad and Menumorut at the arrival of the Hungarians in Transylvania

  • 1200

    Dacia split in to Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania

  • 1330

    Battle of Posada

    (when the romainians threw rocks at the hungarians and won the battle)
  • 1347

    Formation of the Moldavian state

  • 1386

    Reign of Mircea cel Batran begins

    In Wallachia
  • 1450

    Reign of Vlad the Impaler

    Târgoviște Wallachia
  • 1475

    Reign of Ștefan cel Mare (Stephen the Great)

  • Dec 12, 1475

    Battle of Vaslui begins

    the Moldavians knocked down the supports of a bridge the Ottoman army was crossing
  • Revolts against the Ottoman rule

  • Battle of Calugareni

    After this the Wallachian army enters Moldova
  • Triumphant entry at Alba lulia

  • Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania are briefly united under Mihai Viteazul (Michael the Brave), prince of Wallachia

  • Betrayal

  • The rise of the national sentiment

  • The 1821 Wallachian uprising led by tudor

    mid to late 1821
  • Transylvanian revolts

  • The 1848 revolution begins

  • Union between Moldova and Wallachia

  • Carol the First of Hohenzollern becomes the king of the United Principalities

  • Romania bombards the ottoman positions and aids the Russian army with Artilery support

  • Romainian army crosses the Danube

  • Siege of Plevna

  • Proclamation of the Kingdom

  • The 1907 peasants revolt

  • The Royal Council, Romainia enters the war on the Entente side