200 BCE
Establishment of Dacia
Period: 105 to 106
The Second Dacian-Roman war
Siege of Sarmizegetusa begins
Roman settlers and Administration arrives in Dacia
The Aruelian retreat takes place
The arrival of the Slavs
Gelu, Glad and Menumorut at the arrival of the Hungarians in Transylvania
Dacia split in to Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania
Battle of Posada
(when the romainians threw rocks at the hungarians and won the battle) -
Formation of the Moldavian state
Reign of Mircea cel Batran begins
In Wallachia -
Reign of Vlad the Impaler
Târgoviște Wallachia -
Reign of Ștefan cel Mare (Stephen the Great)
Moldovia -
Dec 12, 1475
Battle of Vaslui begins
the Moldavians knocked down the supports of a bridge the Ottoman army was crossing -
Revolts against the Ottoman rule
Battle of Calugareni
After this the Wallachian army enters Moldova -
Triumphant entry at Alba lulia
Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania are briefly united under Mihai Viteazul (Michael the Brave), prince of Wallachia
The rise of the national sentiment
The 1821 Wallachian uprising led by tudor
mid to late 1821 -
Transylvanian revolts
The 1848 revolution begins
Union between Moldova and Wallachia
Bucharest -
Carol the First of Hohenzollern becomes the king of the United Principalities
Bucharest -
Romania bombards the ottoman positions and aids the Russian army with Artilery support
Romainian army crosses the Danube
Siege of Plevna
Proclamation of the Kingdom
The 1907 peasants revolt
The Royal Council, Romainia enters the war on the Entente side