issac ross new timeline 2015

  • Birth

    This is when i was born
  • Started walking

    Started walking
    This is when i took my first steps
  • Started talking

    Started talking
    This is when i started talking
  • Potty trained

    Potty trained
    This is when i could poop in a toilet
  • 9/11

    When two towers fell down and a lot of people died
  • Grandma died

    Grandma died
    When my grandma died
  • swimming

    This is when i could swim in the deep end!!!
  • reading

    When i learned how to read
  • Riding bikes

    Riding bikes
    This is when i learned how to ride a bike
  • thunder over louisville

    thunder over louisville
    When i went to thunder
  • Uk winnning the championship

    Uk winnning the championship
    When UOFK won the national championahip
  • sandy hook

    sandy hook
    When a bad school shooting happened
  • Boston bombing

    Boston bombing
    When there was a bombing during a race
  • Malaysia airplane

    Malaysia airplane
    When the plane went missing
  • Got an iphone

    Got an iphone
    This is when i got an iphone
  • 8th grade graduation

    8th grade graduation
    When i graduated from middle school
  • Braces off

    Braces off
    When i get my braces off
  • Florida trip

    Florida trip
    I go to florida every sunmmer for vacation
  • mrs buford

    mrs buford
    When i met my favorite teacher (;
  • Today

    This is the day i finiahed this project