
By jpajr22
  • israeli-palestinian-conflicked

    theodore herzl he tried the creation of a jew state
  • establishment of a home for jewish people

    establishment of a home for jewish people
    britain occupied the region at the end of would war one in 1918
  • jewish state was claimed

    jewish state was claimed
    the declaration came in to effetct as the following day as the british troops withdrew

    WAS formed with the aim of destroying israel
  • six day war

    six day war
    egypt closed the international water way
  • october war

    october war
    egypt and syria attacked isrel on yom kippur
  • the municholympics

    the municholympics
    the olympic team was taken hostage and eventually killed
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    Peace Trearty between Egypt and Israel was signed.
  • egypt-israel peace treaty

    egypt-israel peace treaty
    egypt became the first arab country to recognize and enter a peace treaty with israel
  • lebanon war

    lebanon war
    lebanon increasingly attacked communities in northern isrel
  • first intifada

    first intifada
    palestinans attcked isreli control of these territoies
  • oslo accords

    oslo accords
    permanent settlement with israel giving up land in return for peace
  • israeli jordanian treat

    israeli jordanian treat
    jordan became the second arab contry to recognize isrel
  • camp david summit

    camp david summit
    the goal of the summit two states living side by side in peace
  • arab peace initiative

    arab peace initiative
    during the beirut summit of the arab league crown prince adbullah of saudi arabia
  • israel begins constructing west bank security

    israel begins constructing west bank security
    israel responded to the suicide bombings by constructing a security barrier
  • roadmap for peace

    roadmap for peace
    is a plan for peace that was proposed by the quartet
  • israel disengage from gaza

    israel disengage from gaza
    ariel sharon led israel to unilaterally withdraw from the gaza strip and four west bank
  • second intifada

    second intifada
    israeli opposition leader ariel sharon visted the jewish temple mount a site revered by jews