Balfour Declaration
A letter anouncing the british suppor of a jewish homland in Palestine. -
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Jewish immigration
Jewish population increases in Palestine. Jewish begin buying land, buliding schools, and other institutons. -
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The Holocaust
A group lead by Adolf Hitler Killed many inoccent lives durring this time period. The jews were a vitctim of it and so where many others that Hitler didn't like. -
November 29th
UN General Assembly voted for a resolution. It made the right for jews to have a "national home". The jews were filled with great joy. -
al-Nakba / Establishment of Israel
Men, women, and children were tooken away from thier homes durring the war. There were 33 massaacres and many Palestine homes were destroyed and many crimes were commited. Bernadotte was assassinated by a Zionist organization led by future Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir. -
Formation of the PLO
Arab governments wanted to make a Palestine organation that would be under its control. The Palestines disagreed because they an independent body. This caused gaining notoriety with its armed operations against Israel. -
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The Six Days War
The Israelis defended the war. General Moshe Dayan was in charge surring the six day war. They were against Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Air forces of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq were all but destroyed on June 5th. June 7th, many Egyptian tanks had been destroyed in the Sinai Desert and Israeli forces reached the Suez Canal. -
Munich Olympics Massacre
Two israeli were murderd and nine where kidnapped. They were taken by members of black september which is a Palestine terrorist group. 5 or the 8 in tis group were killed but 3 were still alive and tooken care of. They escaped from the Germans when thier plane was hijacked. two died and one is till alive today. -
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October war
Its the holiest day of prayer and fasting in the Jewish calendar. Yom Kippur War started with a surprise Arab attack on Israel on Saturday 6th October 1973. 500 Israeli soldiers went against 80,000 Egyptian soldiers. -
Palestinian intifada
An Israeli was killed while shopping in Gaza and then a car crash of Palestines accured. rumors spread that Israel wanted to get back at Palestine and that they wher responsable for the crash. And thats whats caused this riot. -
Oslo Peace Accords
Although there was peace between Isreal and its neighbors. There was still little confilct with some Palestines. Palestine National Council accepted a U.N partition. There was a three day meeting between israel and their arab neighbors. They finally signed the agreement of pace on september 13.