new commers
euopean jews immigrated to palestine in large numbers after ww1 -
palestinians agreed to give jews 55% of the lsnd becsuse they felt bad about the holocuast -
israeli - arab war
a year after setteling israel declsred itself independent which caused the first israeli - arab war -
Suez war
Isreal, Britian, and france attacked egypt -
six day war
Isreal attacked egypt isreal won and tripled territory
now isreal governed 1 million palestinians -
munchi olympics
Palestineian terrorist from "black september" killed 11 aathletes and coaches at munchi olympics -
Yom Kippur war
Egyot and Syria attacked Isreal on jewish holy day -
camp David Accords
peace treaty sighnied by Isreal and Egypt -
first Intifada 1987- 1990
Palestinan uprising against Isreali 1,500 palestianins and 400 issraeli's died over six years -
oslo accords
president clinton broked a deal of peace between isreal and the PLO -
jordanian - israeli peace agreement
Jordan beaacme the second arab state to sign a peace treaty with israel -
Isreals Invasion of Lebanon
Isreal invaded Lebanaon to destroy PLO bases -
second intifada 2000 - 2005
Clinton's attempt to reach a final settlement between israel and palestinians in 2000 failed which cause a mor eviolent palestinian uprising -
palestineian leadership
Mahmoud Abbas was elected as Arafat's successor -
Israeli Disengagement
israel wanted to seperate from palestinians
they began working on a security barrier -
lebanon war
Hezbollah attacked Israeli and killed eight Israeli soldiers
Israel reacted by bombing and invading Lebanon and destroy Hezbollah the month long war killed 1,500 before a deal was made -
hamas election victory
hamas won over fatah in palestinian elections which caused a bitte division between fatah and hamas -
palestinian civil war
fighting between hamas and fatah and hamas defeted fatah and took control of gaza -
war in Gaza 2008 - 2009
daily rocket attacks in israeli and killed 1,400 palestinians and 13 israelis -
unressolved issuse
palestines ask for israeli expansion to stop and israeli refuses