Israel palestine web map

Israel/Palestinian Conflict Timeline

  • UN Plan to Partition Palestine

    UN Plan to Partition Palestine
    The UN planned the creation of independent Arab and Jewish states. The plan was accepted despite its perceived limitations. Arab leaders rejected it and were unwilling to accept any form of territorial division as the plan would split these territories up to smaller ones for the people.
  • Isreal Independence

    Isreal Independence
    The independence of Isreal on May 14, 1948
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    Invasion of Egypt by Isreal UK and France. also known as the second Arab-Isreali war.
  • Formation PLO

    Formation PLO
    The stated goal of this organization was the "Liberation of Palestine" Much of the violence this organization caused were towards Israeli civilians.
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    This war only lasted 6 days with a decisive Israeli win. and fought between Israel and its neighboring countries.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    War against Israel with Egypt Syria and and Arab states
  • First Lebanon War

    First Lebanon War
    Israel longest and most controversial war. The PLO broadened its presence and escalating artillery and cross border civilian attacks. Israel attacked PLO targets an responded with rocket and artillery barrages.
  • Oslo Accords

    Oslo Accords
    Agreements between Israel and Palestine . These agreements where made in Egypt