Israel/Palestinian Timeline

  • UN plan to partition Palestinian

    The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal by the United Nations, which recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine at the end of the British Mandate.
  • Israel declars independence

    The Israeli Declaration of Independence, formally the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel.
  • Arab/Israeli war

    The 1948 Arab–Israeli War, or the First Arab–Israeli War, was fought between the State of Israel and a military coalition of Arab states over the control of Palestine.
  • Suez Crisis

    The Suez Crisis, or the Second Arab/Israeli War, also named the Tripartite Aggression and Operation Kaddish or Sinai War.
  • Formation of PLO

    The Palestine Liberation Organization is an organization founded in 1964 with the purpose of the "liberation of Palestine" through armed struggle, with much of its violence aimed at Israeli civilians.
  • Six day war

    The Six-Day War, also known as the June War, 1967 Arab–Israeli War, or Third Arab–Israeli War, was fought between June 5 and 10, 1967 by Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.
  • Yom Kippur

    The Yom Kippur War, Ramadan War, or October War, also known as the 1973 Arab–Israeli War, was a war fought by a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria against Israel from October 6 to 25, 1973.
  • Lebanon war

    The 2006 Lebanon War, also called the 2006 Israel–Hezbollah War and known in Lebanon as the July War and in Israel as the Second Lebanon War.
  • Oslo accords

    The Oslo Accords are a set of agreements between the Government of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization